Parents and students should talk about how much (if any) money has been set aside for college. Saving for college gives you more options, so it is encouraged you save as much as you can while at the same time parents also plan for their own retirement.

One great way to save for college is to open a 529 account. 529 accounts may also give parents tax benefits. There is an Idaho 529 and Washington 529 - and you can use this money at any accredited college across the country. Read the rules before opening an account.

The good news is that there are affordable choices out there for every budget, so even if you have not been able to save much for college, don’t let that discourage you.

Building an Affordable College List
Some colleges cost more than others.

How to Pay for College
Print book and Website resources by Ann Garcia.

The Best Way to Save for College

Americorp and Vista Opportunities
Serve with College Possible, a growing nonprofit that makes college admission and success possible for low-income students.

Fewer Toys - More College Savings!
A study from Fidelity shows why money for college makes a smart gift.